
“We love our Breezypack because it means we don’t have to worry aboutour insulin getting hot whSile we spend the day in the heat at Hershey Park!”

Kristen R.


“We love breezy packs, as these keep our insulin and and very temperature-sensitive ogluo glucagon pens at the right temperature, even in hot weather.

We use them on a daily basis and couldn’t be without them. 😁”

Steffi K.


“I love my BreezyPack because I can easily carry and with confidence all the Epipen of our 3 allergic children!.

Axelle B.


“I’ve been a BreezyPacks customer for a year now and I love the product. I have the small and the large packs and I use them to store EpiPens while traveling. I just keep them in the packs and I’m confident that they are kept at the right temperature. It gives me peace of mind and ensures that the medicine will remain effective if and when I need to use it! Great product!”

Jesse B.


“We returned from our spring break in Cuba and it was without worry or hassle to drag the Epipen everywhere with us. On excursions, like at the beach! 😊”

Vyvian N.


“We love our Breezy Pack! He followed us all summer and a whole week in the Dominican Republic and he knew
keep our allerject at the right temperature all the time! We love!”

Marie-Eve S.


“I LOVE my breezy pack!! Won’t leave the house without it! Especially on all my hikes:) excited to take it with me to Zion National park next week!!!”

Caroline W.


“Our Breezy Packs Pouch follows us everywhere and always keeps Epipens at the right temperature!!! An essential
for us with a coconut, a 2 and a half year old polyallergic.”

Mélissa B

“I recently trialled two of the Breezypacks insulin/adrenaline cooler bags and I was pleasantly surprised as to how well they work!”.

Caroline Evans Allergy Educator and Parental Consulting Specialist

Check out her article  “Tips for traveling with food allergies”

Insulin Cooling Battles: Frio vs Breezy Packs

In this battle, we have two related, but different technologies which both redirect the heat energy to perform other tasks than heating the pouch contents

BreezyPacks Review - The Best Insulin Cooling Case on the Market

Looking for an awesome insulin cooling case to help keep your insulin cool on the go? Then check out our review of BreezyPacks, an innovative solution…

BreezyPacks Insulin Cooling Cases – Full Review

Living with diabetes means you have to care not just for your body but also for your meds. Insulin is arguably the most vital medication for any diabetic person. And since it’s heat-sensitive, you must…

See what our users have to say on Google Reviews.


“The Breezy Pack worked well during the 11-day Bus tour I recently made in Morocco. It fits easily into my carry on and presented no problem at airport screening. It was the ideal solution to store my pen.”

Jo-Anne L.R.


“Excellent product! Helped us a lot by keeping our son’s insulin cool during 4 months of hot weather in Croatia! We also use it as protective bag during school days”

Verdan F.


” I love our BreezyPack so much! It keeps our daughter’s epinephrine at the perfect temperature, whether she’s at summer camp or we’re spending a hot day at the beach. I’m delighted to have a case that doesn’t involve soaking it in water – no more wet bag or the potential for mold. I highly recommend these cases!”

Karen D.


Delivery was fast (received within 5 days of ordering). The pack works great; used on trip to Nevada and it kept my flex pen cool.

Lori P.


“Got this for my insulin, great purchase. I no longer have to worry about it getting hot in my vehicle while I work and the carry strap is super useful.”



“These packs are perfect for my little girl’s two insulin pens. In taking these to the beach I could feel the cooling working on my hand. Super easy to recharge, just leaving them overnight in an air conditioned home. Highly recommend these. They just work and you don’t have to think about anything.”

David D.


“Great case to carry insulin or other medications that need to stay cool. I travel a lot and have had no problems getting it through TSA at the airport. I bought the larger case and it fits perfectly inside my computer bag.”

Javi C.


“Thank you so much! The pack works just like described- I’m really impressed. Also- thanks for reaching out to me when you realized I messed up my order. Your honesty and business ethics are truly commendable 🙂 “

Rene J.

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